Oct 23, 2011

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez's Hocky Date Night

Capping off their time together in Winnipeg, Justin Bieber took girlfriend Selena Gomez out for a hockey date at the MTS Centre on Saturday night (October 22).

The cute couple cuddled up in their box seats as they watched the hometown Jets beat the Carolina Hurricanes by a score of 5-3, after which they took to the ice for a brief skating session of their own.

For the outing, Justin donned a No. 6 Captain jersey while his ladylove sported a No. 9. Gomez uniform - with the twosome also spending time in the locker area to meet the players.

The date night comes as Selena is set to make her way to Cleveland to perform a rescheduled show at the Wolstein Center on Sunday night (October 23) before picking back up with her Canadian tour at the John Labatt Centre in London, Ontario the following evening.

Source: http://celebrity-gossip.net/justin-bieber/justin-bieber-selena-gomezs-hocky-date-night-554825

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