Why Are Women Such Haters?
1:30 PMFeb 17
Source: BV on Love
Let's be very honest with ourselves: we all watch reality television for the drama, the "real life" depictions of crazy housewives from popular cities, baby mamas, basketball "stars," and random celebrities that are famous for nothing other than ...Read More
Democrats Turn 'Where Are the Jobs?' Chant on GOP
1:22 PMFeb 17
Source: BV Black Spin
Republicans won sweeping victories last November by taunting Democrats with "where are the jobs?" Democrats are now throwing those taunts back, saying it's Republicans who will knock thousands of Americans out of work with their demands for deep cuts ... Read More
Tea Partier, Michelle Bachmann, Slams Michelle Obama over Breastfeeding
12:05 PMFeb 17
Source: BV Black Spin
Michele Bachmann wants Michelle Obama to quit meddling with American moms - especially their breastfeeding habits. The Tea Party darling and Minnesota congresswoman slammed the First Lady for supporting a tax break on breast pumps, accusing her of ... Read More
Urban Prep Academy Gets 100% Black Male College Attendance... Again
11:56 AMFeb 17
Source: BV on Money
Well, they've done it again. Urban Prep Academy of Chicago, an all-male charter school with kids from the "worst" parts of Chicago, is sending 100% of its graduating seniors off to college. The school, founded in 2006, has stated that its continuous ...Read More
C'mon, Texas, Pay Anthony Graves His Money
11:04 AMFeb 17
Source: BV Black Spin
It's bad enough that Anthony Graves had 18 years of his life stolen from him by the Texas justice system, which imprisoned him for a crime he didn't commit. Now the lack of two words on the judge's order releasing Graves may keep him from getting ...Read More
Did MLK Comic Book Inspire Egypt Rebellion?
10:02 AMFeb 17
Source: BV Black Spin
Last week, millions of Egyptians erupted in joy when they found out their 30-year tormentor Hosni Mubarak would be stepping down, signifying that their social media?driven rebellion worked. It's hard to draw lots of comparisons between that ... Read More
De-Clutter Your Home And Let It Shine!
6:00 AMFeb 17
Source: BV on Style
In the fast-paced world we live in today, there's no wonder why organization of our homes can get a little out hand. Whether you're just too busy or too messy to pick the shirt up off the bedroom floor or move the week-old cup from the kitchen table, ...Read More
Michael Jordan to Come Out of Retirement?
12:51 AMFeb 17
Source: BV on Sports
He's already returned twice to the NBA after multiyear hiatuses, but could Charlotte Bobcats owner Michael Jordan, who turns 48 on Thursday, return once again? Jordan, who last played in 2003, joined the team's practice last week, fueling ... Read More
Source: http://yourblackgossip.blogspot.com/2011/02/black-news-from-aol-21711.html
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